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Giving myself a break

This week is my “spring break.” As a union-ed college administrator, the week of Spring Break is guaranteed PTO. Great, right?!? Well, sure… if Spring Break still meant a week on the beach with friends, a cooler, and a new paperback to read. (**sigh**)

Nope, instead, Spring “Break” is a chance to clean my house, visit family, and catch up on grading and curriculum planning for the rest of the semester, all while Baby G is home from the sitter (saving us the money usually spent on daycare! cha ching!). Sounds productive… and exhausting! Not really the break I was in need of this semester. Luckily, our condo is organized, clean, and pretty much completely decorated thanks to the inspiration and motivation provided by hosting 7 people for my sister-in-law’s surprise birthday weekend last week. The prep work really paid off (and we had a great time- finally we have the room to host parties in our own home!).

Enter my Amazon Mom Prime membership. Did you know that not only does this little investment save me shipping on Prime qualified products, give me great discounts on bulk orders through Subscribe and Save, BUT it also includes FREE TV and MOVIES! Buh Bye Netflix, Hello Amazon! I have always been an Amazon fan, but this revelation takes the cake. For the first two days of my “break” during G’s naps, I gave myself permission to simply sit in my clean condo with a hot mug of cafe con (soy) leche and catch up on Downton Abby season two. Ahhhh. Even if just one episode at a time, I felt I finally could enjoy the break I had been so desperately needing.

Three days into “break” G and I are at my aunt’s home in Indiana for a few days, visiting with my grandparents and cousins. G is the center of attention and loving it! Then tomorrow we’re traveling an hour south to see my immediate family for Easter weekend, and the hubby will catch a Greyhound to meet us Friday after work. Then it’s back to the big city Sunday evening and back to the grind first thing Monday morning. Whew.

I’m realizing just how important it is to create moments of silence to write, enjoy my coffee, or just be still. I hope to continue to make it a priority, and to remember to take care of myself no matter how busy the schedule gets. Grace just went down for her long nap, so if I hurry, I can catch another episode of Downton before she wakes up. Happy spring break!

About the Author

I am a full time student affairs practitioner, wife, mother, and friend. I try to stay true to myself and show love through everything that I do. This blog is my little corner of the world, sorting through it all and hopefully finding others doing the same!

-Alyssa Turner Cairns